Lois Romero

Professional Category: Specialized Technician of Public Research Organizations
Academic History: Degree in Chemical Sciences
CSIC Scientific Areas: Food Science and Technology


Development of analytical methods for determination of food components, based on liquid and gaseous chromatographic techniques, and coupled to various detectors (HPLC-DAD-FL, HPLC-MS, GC-FID, GC-MS). Experience in other analytical techniques for determination of the elemental composition of food, as well as metabolites from oxidative degradation of lipids of marine origin (lipidomic analysis).

Free CV summary/biography:

She received her Degree in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2000. Then, she obtained her Master title in Prevention of Occupational Risks, Quality and Environment from the Center for Professional Initiatives and Les Heures (University of Barcelona) in 2002.

In december of 2002, she received a postgraduate fellowship and joined the Chemistry of Seafood Products department at the IIM-CSIC. Since 2009, she is medium-grade specialist technician of Public Research Organizations (PRO or OPIs for its initials in Spanish). In 2008, she made a stay of 3 months at the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (CSIC) and the Faculties of Biology and Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona. She has also worked at the department of Genetics, Improvement and Biochemistry of Brassicas, of the Biological Mission of Galicia (CSIC), for 4 years. She has participated continuously in numerous research projects. She has published several research articles and has presented her work at national and international conferences. He has completed numerous specialization courses and complementary training. She has supervised multiple in-training, master and PhD students, and has taught courses of scientific divulgation.