Méndez López
Professional Category: Doctor
Academic History: Phd Food Science and Technology
CSIC Scientific Areas: Food Science and Technology
Bioactivity of food components of marine origin, mainly, Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids:
- Regulation of redox homeostasis. Oxidative posttranslational modifications of proteins and lipid oxidation. Protein carbonylation. Proteomics and lipidomics tools.
- In vivo mechanisms of action in the prevention of metabolic alteration induced by diet.
- Biomarkers and therapeutic targets for the prevention/paliation of metabolic alteration induced by diet.
Resumen libre del Currículum/biografía:
She received her PhD from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2016, at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology doctoral program, carrying out her studies at the department of Chemistry of Seafood Products from the IIM-CSIC. Her PhD studies addressed the molecular mechanisms of action of the consumption of marine polyunsaturated fatty acids by applying redox and quantitative proteomics tools.
She did predoctoral stays, first at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the USC and then, at the Department of Macromolecular Structure from the CNB-CSIC, where he focused on food biochemistry and protein analysis based on mass spectrometry, respectively. In 2017, and as a doctor, she moved to the Department of Bioanalytics at the University of Leipzig, where she joined the Dr. Fedorova’s research for a 2-years postdoctoral stay. During this stage, she was trained in the study and characterization of oxidized lipids and proteins, which are relevant in diet-induced metabolic disorders.
In 2010, she received a FPI Fellowship and joined the Chemistry of Seafood Products department at the IIM-CSIC. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the aforementioned department since 2017, when she gained a fellowship from the GAIN-Xunta de Galicia´s Program for Support at the Post-Doctoral Stage. During her research career, she has been continuously involved in numerous projects. She has published 29 journal articles and book chapters, and her h-index is 8. She has presented her work at national and international congresses. She has supervised 1 PhD thesis. She is a reviewer for many SCI journals. She won the 2018 ILSI Europe Young Scientist Travel Award. She is member of the Society for Free Radical Research Europe (SFRR Europe).