Pazos Palmeiro

Professional Category: Científico titular de OPI
Academic History: PhD Chemistry
CSIC Scientific Areas: Food Science and Technology

Lines of Research

Quality and bioactivity of seafood

Proteomics and Metabolomics

Free CV summary/biography:

Dr. Pazos holds a PhD degree in Chemistry (2005) from the University of Santiago de Compostela by his doctoral investigation at IIM-CSIC under the supervision of Prof. Isabel Medina. He has gained post-doctoral experience at University of Copenhagen (DK), University of Cambridge (UK) and University of Córdoba (Spain). From 2017, Dr. Manuel Pazos is a tenured scientist at IIM-CSIC.
During his scientific career, he was awarded with competitive pre-doctoral (Xunta de Galicia, FPI) and post-doctoral grants (Xunta de Galicia, MEC, I3P-CSIC, Parga Pondal-Xunta de Galicia, Co-found Talent Hub Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship-Junta de Andalucía), including the high-competitive Ramon y Cajal program. The results of his work are reflected in 2 registered Patents, 6 book chapters, 45 communications in international congresses, and more than 45 peer-reviewed SCI journal publications.

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